Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A new year a new poem

             I can’t really say much about this poem, at least beforehand. It just kind of came to me the other day, unfinished, but I’m still trying to figure out what it means.


OBSCURE POEM (but is it really?)

Burning,               Yearning,            Turning,      Moping,                Hoping,                Coping,    Conspire,              Desire,                  Retire.


          This poem may LOOK like just nine words put together in a box, but there is more to this poem. Try to think outside the box or read it a different way. Yes, I am being obscure on purpose. Some people will figure out the secret of this poem on the first reading, it may take others a little bit longer. If you are hopelessly lost ask someone else for help. If they can’t figure it out either feel free to email me

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