Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A product of the times

Well my friends, Corona Virus/Covid-19 has been going around for a while and no one seems to know for sure when or even IF it will be going away. We are all in isolation (to one degree or another) and some of us are more scared of it than others. 
Virus’ are not usually funny (well sometimes they might be funny AFTER the fact [Y2K, anyone?]), but people are still posting memes and parodies online all USING Covid-19 as their “punchline.” Whether you think the pandemic is real or a big hoax, a biological warfare from China or a just a virus that’s kills indiscriminately (Kind of like George R. R. Martin or Joss Whedon). This isn’t my best work, but I hope some of these make you laugh
Corona Virus, Corona Extra,the definition of Corona: Collect them all.
Some people could compare the Corona virus to the holocaust,/Has hitler been reincarnated as the Corona Virus:? The holocaust, it’s not just for Jews anymore.

When you think about it Corona is just Androc backwards and Covid-18 is just 91-Divoc backwards. What do they mean? I’m not sure, but maybe that’s why it so hard to cure. Think if they had just named it Reeb then we could assume that the cure is Beer. But since it is called the Corona virus you can only assume beer would make it worse.

Mother says: “go outdoors, play with your friends, breathe,in the fresh air, get some sunshine. Going outdoors never hurt anyone”
Corona Virus: “Oh, really? Let’s fix that! >:D>

The Corona virus: It’s not just a fad, it’s a way of life 

I’ve heard Corona is SARS 2. Contrary to popular belief, SARS doesn’t stand for Super, Awesomely, Radical Sickness.

Have you ever realized that Trump and COVID both have five letters each? Coincidence? You decide.

A Corona Virus themed party would basically be party where only those you live with are invited. Otherwise you might get sick from someone in the community and/or spread the virus.
So when Jack told me he wanted a Corona themed birthday party i had to laugh.Attachment.png

Two stories.

The other day on facebook I was talking to a high school friend who I took creative writing with. While talking with him I got some inspiration for the stories below.

My mother purses her lips and i know it’s time to fly. She is setting me free to fend for myself. 
I fly for a while. It is amazing, exhilarating. I feel light as air.  I was worried for a while. Worried that might I fail as so many before me have. However, it looks like I might be a lucky one.  
Then it happens. My amazing feeling and optimism weren’t enough. I no longer feel so light. I have only been on my own for a short time and i fall toward the ground and as I hit the ground I lie there. Broken.

Jen is blowing bubbles from her bottle of bubble mixture. Spinning around and giggling. Blowing some with the air from her mouth, using the wind from her spins to blow others.
“Jen, time to come in and clean up for dinner,” Her mothers voice calls out.
“Yes mama,” she replies, wishing she could play outside for longer,
Jen blows one more bubble and goes inside to wash her hands and sit down to have dinner.


These are both the same story