Wednesday, June 15, 2016


I got this idea a few weeks ago and wrote it down (Tip for hopeful or published writers/songwriters/playwrights/painters/etc.  Inspiration can strike you out of the blue, if possible carry a notebook, I-pad, etc. with you so you can write your ideas down instead of losing them. I prefer a computer/my phone any day, but I was in the middle of an indoor play so I had to write it down in the dark so I didn’t disrupt others.)
            This piece may look like a bunch of nonsense, but there is a theme, see if you can figure it out.
            Amazingly, beautiful cats danced elegantly forcing galloping horses inside jaunty kingdoms. Lazy mice never observed pandas quietly racing slowly through umbrellas. Voles wanted x-rays. Yellow zippers.
As I observed all this I realized I was drunk. 

P.S.I apologize for the briefness of this post and I wouldn’t be surprised of some of my readers can pull this theme off more adequately than I have.I just had to get this out.  I wrote it within about 35 minutes.  Maybe I'll devote more time to the same theme in the future to make more coherent/meaningful. In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this version.

P..P,S. If you are hopelessly lost on what the theme is you are free to email me or ask someone else to help